Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Time logs...

As I had a personal to do list for this New Year, things I wanted to put into my daily life, weekly life and just change in my life I am finding that well it's february and nothing is done yet!
Yes I'm busy but so is life, so is everyone.. growing up and managing life is real, you can't not do it. Busy will consume you if you don't plan.  Although I haven't really thought about these things I've pushed them away with an excuse of being busy. Struggling, or wondering really how to find balance with life, Ministry, and Family. 

This weekend at Generation Unleashed Doug Lassit was doing a round table question and answer time with youth pastors and the main questions asked was exactly that.... where is the balance, how do you find it? Doug's answer changed my life and I'm so glad this mindset has changed in me so young and before my family grows bigger than just two! 

Doug's answer was THERE ISN'T... there is no balance, you can't balance it. This rocked my world. If you are trying to balance life in ministry you will always be consumed with busy and unfortunately most of the time the church gets blamed because of it. There is no balance, we have been called to do a certain job in the Kingdom, and so our family has been called and we need to live in the middle of our calling. Everything happens there. When we are living in the center of our call everything needs to be there with you. We need to carry our purpose into every area of our life, even the little things, and when we put our family in the middle of our calling our children grow up with an excitement for the things THEY are doing in the Kingdom, not a dissatisfaction because Mom and Dad are just too busy. If we approach our ministry and family as two different things they will always battle against each other, it just needs to all be our call.

So how do I get this into my life... well as much as I hated them in Master's I'm going to start a time log for a couple of weeks and see where my time is going and look at how I can use it better to accomplish that too do list.... Hopefully this won't be a difficult process... As scheduled as my life is.. I think scheduling out my free time is my answer...

Whatever your calling is, I believe that if we approach life busy... we will be busy we all are, but when we stop trying to balance and place everything under our calling and allow God to direct our steps each day, I believe it's going to transform our spare time, our lives, our stress and our families.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks Kels....that makes so much sense. Confirmation for what I have already been doing.
