Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Love Day!

Although many would think Valentines is just a holiday created by Hallmark, I believe that no matter the source in which it was created, we could all use a reminder to do something extra special for the one we love. Not that your affection for them should only blossom once a year but I still think it serves as a wonderful reminder to Love: Speak words that some times we forget to speak, take time to do on a date (yes they should exist after being married!) and spend the day making the other person feel special. 

I also saw a funny comment on this morning "Happy Valentines Day / Single Awareness Day!" I thought that was true and funny but to shine a brighter light on it... "Happy Valentines Day / Singles Save $ Day!" It is murder to see the prices of flowers double, and then you want to buy a card and to even enter the Hallmark isle you need to take out a second mortgage, but it isn't about how much you spend (Although for some Gifts are a part of it - especially if you Wife's love language is gifts - that greedy love language! but even then it's not the price it's the thought!) it's how you spend you time, words and affection. So I encourage you to do something special for your someone special, even if you decide that you don't do Valentines.. surprise them! I promise you won't regret it!

Happy Valentines!

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