Monday, December 22, 2008

Husband's Birthday!!

Well today is Jason's Birthday and I would love to write 21 things I love about my husband, but that would be copying him!

#1 - He loves me!!! Jason and I fight about who loves one another more but I know that even though I try to win with 'I loved you first!' It really is awesome how much He loves me, and takes time to make sure I know it!

#2 - He makes me breakfast on special days.... LOVE IT!

#3 - He tells me I'm beautiful all the time

#4 - He loves the out doors... as much as I'm not a hunter or a fisher I'm glad our kids will have the opportunity to have the alone time with their dad!

#5 - He is FUNNY.... way funnier than me!

#6 - He has a generous heart

#7 - He laughs at me.. lol I'm glad we can be silly and goofy together

#8 - He opens my car door and any other door in front of me

#9 - He makes sure the bills are paid and we have money in our bank! I'd be so lost ...

#10 - He bought me a Macbook first even though it killed the gadget man inside him

#11 - He buys me flowers!!! Yes they are a gift that dies but men... it's important!!

#12 - He is an amazing leader. In our ministry and in our home

#13 - He is excited about having a family and our future together

#14 - He welcomed all my family into his heart no matter what

#15 - He watches my stupid TV shows and Chick Flicks cause he knows it's important to me

#16 - He is a worshipper who seeks after God for himself

#17 - He encourages and challenges me in my walk with God

#18 - He fills the car up with gas 98% of the time!

#19 - He notices the small stuff

#20 - He is always there

#21 - He is amazing! Everything that God has called him to be! AND I LOVE HIM!

Happy Birthday!

Love you for being you... you are my everything!

1 comment:

Alison, Jake, Addison, Avery and baby Bean said...

barf!... :) just kidding. you 2 are so sweet. and such a great example to all those kids! love ya!
