Thursday, January 22, 2009

Using my snooze button for Jesus!!

Well like many people I am a SNOOZE BUTTON LOVER!!! For as long as I have been using as alarm clock I've had this love for that little round button! Press it and it gives sleep!!! Now in my world that is the best gift given! I've loved this gift so much that I purposely set my alarm early so that I can have that dozy snooze time to wake up fully! Although this brings me much joy it has always been a struggle with getting up early enough to get everything done in the morning. 

Yesterday as I was snoozing.. (of course :P) I had a thought! If I would use my first snooze in worship, my second snooze in prayer and my third snooze in the word, not only would I get my snooze time.. it would be with Jesus which in the end will make me feel way better than a rushed chapter in front of my breakfast! So today was the start of snoozing with Jesus and I loved it!!

1st snooze- put in my worship music, and allowed my spirit to wake to the glory of God and choosing to follow him with all I am today, giving him my yes and just welcoming holy spirit.
2nd snooze- climbed out of warm bed on to my knees and prayed. This morning a spirit of Honor just came into my prayers and I started to pray honor over my parents, my leaders, the staff at our church, our government and my family it was just really cool!
3rd snooze- I opened my bible (I cool bible in the form of a magazine I got for Christmas! Thanks mom and dad E) and It started in Job, and I read about how Job kept his faith through his trails, and I love how he says "should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?" I really love that when things are not going well Job kept his faith! We need to run to God, not run away when life throws us the things that look impossible!

Anyway thats an update from my snooze with JC! Loved it and I'm sure I'll blog about my snooze findings more, I think it's my new favourite time of the day!


Carla said...

That's a great idea! Cause I am definitely a fellow snooze button lover. Maybe I will give that a try!

Mikayla Joy Donovan said...

That is SO cool! Also a fellow snoze botton lover!

samanthamillar said...

youre so very smart. i should try it.

Daniel Eliason said...

more power to you, i wish i was as strong as you lol
