Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Christmas Shoes!

Ok so if you have spent any time around Naomi at Christmas you have heard about this movie! Last night while at their house I watched it for the first time. It was great, but it was so so so so sad!!! Now I love to cry... lol I cry over big things, little things, happy things and sad things.. I'm just a crier.. So to say the least this movie left me blubbering throughout and all the way home.. lol. It is a great story, kinda lame acting but well a Christmas classic story of family, love, and hope! 

You should watch it! but don't forget the Kleenex box!

1 comment:

Mikayla Joy Donovan said...

Just some proof that kels is right about hearing about the movie if you are around naomi...not not only hearing about it....seeing it and making it your FAVORITE christmas movie ever!!!
